The following are a few examples of the type of work and projects our people have taken lead roles in over the course of their careers.

Urban Projects

Expansion of Pettigrew Green Arena
Preparation of resource consent applications for earthworks and land use to expand the existing Pettigrew Green Arena in order to improve the delivery of indoor sport facilities to the region. The project involved both District and Regional Council consents together with archaeological and reserve reclassification matters
Kaweka Hospital
Preparation of resource consent applications for various stages of earthworks and construction to establish and operate a new private hospital comprising various surgical and health care facilities to improve the delivery of healthcare services in the region.
Customs Quay Hospitality Precinct
Preparation of a resource consent application to construct a 4 storey mixed-use development comprising hospitality, office, and residential activities on the most high-profile site along Napier’s Inner Harbour waterfront.
Te Awa Structure Plan Residential Subdivision
Development and preparation of various subdivision applications involving 60 – 90 lots. These applications have involved the consideration of Structure Plan and servicing matters with a focus on lot layout to consider recreational connections, roading configuration and the location of existing and new services. Most applications have been followed with application to the Regional Council for works within water ways as part of physical enabling works and construction of stormwater infrastructure.
The Crossing Trade Retail Hub
Preparation of a resource consent application to undertake multi-unit development and associated earthworks to establish an 8,000m2 trade retail hub. Located in an industrial zone off an arterial road in close proximity to a major State Highway intersection. The proposal involved a number of matters including transport, impacts on other commercial zones and industrial land supply considerations.
Gisborne Police Station Regeneration
Working with a multidisciplinary team, Stradegy obtained resource consent for the redevelopment of Gisborne’s old Police Station for residential purposes. Although in a decrepit state, the design saw a modern residential development with real potential to contribute to the vibrancy of Gisborne’s inner-city area.
Restoration of Napier’s Criterion Hotel
Preparation of a resource consent application to undertake internal and external alterations to the Criterion Hotel for renovation works associated with the hotel’s restoration. Although confronted with several heritage challenges, the design saw the hotel returned to its former glory as a corner stone of Napier Art deco collection of buildings.
Albion Street Hotel
Stradegy worked with a multidisciplinary team to gain resource consent for the construction of a new five-storey building encompassing a 59-room hotel and a commercial/retail tenancy. Located on a prominent corner of Napier’s Marine Parade and involving a relatively significant height infringement, optimal design outcomes were key.
The Boat Houses
First stage of a new comprehensive residential development in Napier’s popular Ahuriri mixed use area. The proposal involved 10 new 3 storey residential dwellings in conjunction with an 11-lot fee simple subdivision. The high spec design has introduced a new modern housing typology while still retaining the areas historic character and design themes.

Environmental Projects
Napier City Council Stormwater
Preparation of a (replacement) resource consent application for the Napier City Council to discharge stormwater to the Ahuriri Estuary. The project involved numerous workshops with key stakeholders to inform the development of a condition framework that set down a road map towards an improvement in stormwater management and water quality under a multifaceted approach involving physical works, improved site management, social awareness, and ongoing collaboration during implementation.
Working with a range of experts and various parties we secured resource consent for a 25 year period without the need for a hearing.
Wairoa District Council Wastewater
Preparation of a (replacement) resource consent application for the Wairoa District Council to discharge municipal wastewater into the Wairoa River. This project required an understanding of wastewater treatment, hydrology, water quality and freshwater and marine ecology, and involved developing a progressive improvement regime through conditions of consent and presenting expert evidence at a council hearing.
We were complemented by the Chairman on our comprehensive yet clear and easy to read policy assessment and went on to contribute to the development of conditions though expert caucusing that led to the granting of consent for a 15 year period for the ‘roadmap’ of works proposed. The project also involved preparation of a Concession Application.
Napier City Council water supply
Preparation of resource consent applications for the Napier City Council to vary the rates of takes, drill new bores and to transfer water as part of a broader project to improve the quality and resilience of Napier City Council’s municipal water supply network. The project involved application of Plan Change 9 to the Regional Plan and the consideration of new policy frameworks limiting water availability across different geographic areas.
Freshwater Restoration – Tukipo Constructed Wetlands
Preparation of a resource consent application for the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council to undertake works within a water body to establish a constructed wetland complex for improving water quality in the Tukipo Stream catchment. The purpose of the project is to also contribute to knowledge around the performance of constructed wetlands for this type of outcome.
Water Harvesting
Preparation of resource consents for Kereru Station to construct a dam for water storage and to also take water during high flow from two other streams for dam filling purposes. The taking regime had to consider the hydrology of both high and lower order streams as well as local and broader ecological values.

Strategic / Special Projects
Freshwater Implementation Planning
Preparation of the ‘Working Towards Implementation’ document for Hawke’s Bay Regional Council to assist implementation of Plan Change 6 applying to the Tukituki Catchment. The project involved workshops with key staff, stakeholders, and Councillors, together with a detailed analysis of plan provisions and development of recommendations and actions as part of implementing new rules and policy directives pertaining to freshwater management.
Pandora Land Use Review
Stradegy was engaged by Napier City Council to review existing landuse and relevant statutory and non-statutory documents pertaining to the use of the Pandora Industrial Zone adjoining Napier’s Ahuriri Estuary.
As part of various studies informing the Councils District Plan review, the purpose of the work was to provide a recommendation to the Council on the appropriate zone, combination of zones, and/or other District Plan mechanisms for the long-term management of land-uses in Pandora to improve the health and attractiveness of the Ahuriri estuary while retaining the strategic focus of Pandora as an industrial zone for large footprint industries with locational needs associated with the Port.
Development of the Mission Special Character Zone
Stradegy is the lead planner on the development of the Mission Special Character Zone commencing with a master planning exercise to refine the anticipated outcomes of the Structure Plan / Plan Change process upon which a number of subdivision and land use applications will be based to develop Napier’s newest suburb.
Park Island Plan Change
Preparation of a plan change on behalf of Napier City Council to rezone land for residential and sports park purposes. The project involved public workshops and the consideration of urban growth, servicing, and the recreational needs of the community.
Submission on Regional Plan Change
Preparation of submissions on behalf of Hastings District Council on Plan Change 9 (TANK) to the Regional Plan. Working closely which Napier City Council, our submissions focused on HDC’s role as a municipal water supplier and in enabling economic development while acknowledging the need to reduce and better manage allocation.
Twyford water user group
Working with a water user group with a vision of combining individual allocations and sharing the overall allocation, the project involved developing a framework to address deficiencies to achieve a higher security of supply through establishing a global consenting approach under which numerous takes could be managed under one consent. This required the development of a specific condition framework pertaining to a unique water take and use scenario.
Urban, Environmental & Strategic Planning