We’re passionate about what we do and the projects we get involved in and have a genuine desire to see our communities progress environmentally, economically, socially and culturally.
Stradegy can help you with:
- Resource consent applications
- Notices of Requirement and Outline Plans
- Consent Compliance and implementation
- Bylaw applications
- Project programming
- Plan Changes and submissions
- Master-planning
- Due diligence advice
- Strategic policy advice
- Implementation planning
- Evidence for Council and Environment Court hearings
- Mana whenua and stakeholder consultation
- Third party liaison with Councils, Heritage New Zealand, NZTA etc.
- RMA Commissioners
One of our strengths is our broad experience of both district and regional council functions enabling us to bring a higher level of understanding and capacity to a project
Resource Consents
We have a strong track record in obtaining resource consents for a broad range of activities across different sectors. These activities include:
- Subdivision, papakaianga and land development
- Land use and commercial developments
- Heritage buildings
- Ground and surface water takes
- Water harvesting and dams
- Discharges to land and water including animal effluent and
municipal wastewater
- Discharge of odour
- Coastal hazard matters
- In-stream works including bridges, culverts and diversions
- Reclamations and coastal structures
Urban, Environmental & Strategic Planning